Current Project

Kraken SDR Direction finding

This video shows my current setup for direction finding using the Kraken SDR, Raspberry pi, and a phone to find hidden radio towers.

This test didn't end in finding the tower, but was successful in getting everything working together.


It is my belief that certifications add to your professional growth. They tell the story of dedication, passion and willingness to grow outside the classroom.

FCC Amateur Radio License - General

Call Sign: KQ4KQC

Thank you for visiting my page -Gregory Wilson


Veteran, United States Navy, Submarines

Culinary Specialist for 6 years onboard a submarine.


Cybersecurity Student

Old Dominion University -BS/MS Cybersecurity.


Executive Chef

Over 20 years customer service experience and leading teams across the United States.


Forever Learner

Home Lab, experiential learning and research.


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